
Why Frostpunk coming to consoles is so damn great!

Hello my friends, Beximus here!
Frostpunk is finally coming to consoles 🙂 The first time I heard about this videogame was in my dear friend James’ podcast, “The Klutchkittengaming podcast” (my favourite gaming podcast, so make sure to go and listen to it now). Since the day I listened to his review that I wanted to try Frostpunk, but then I only play videogames in consoles… So today, is a very good day, because Frostpunk is finally coming to PS4 and XBox One!


Frostpunk’s gonna give you frostbite

frostpunk guyFrostpunk is one of those games that, just by the looks of it, makes me feel cold! The world has gone completely frozen. A bastion of mankind tries to survive in the ice fields of the North, after leaving London due to extreme weather conditions. Weird way to go if you ask me. Usually, when it’s cold, I head south. But these peeps decided that North was probably warmer. Or maybe it just has more resources, who knows?

To endure such extreme temperatures, a bunch of survivors tries to keep their settlement warm, using steam-punk technology. Heat is more precious than gold here, and if you focus your attention somewhere else, you’ll soon perish. The cold is unforgiving.

But whatever you do, always remember: The City Must Survive.


Ambiguity plays a big role

frostpunk people furiousAs any good survival game, Frostpunk cares about the whole. No matter what you chose to do, the ultimate goal is to always keep your city pushing through the cold, on a day to day basis. Here is when things start to get interesting. You’re the leader of this bunch of wretched folks. As the ruler, you must take care of your people and the infrastructures that provide for them. One can’t exist without the other.

frostpunk starvationWhen playing Frostpunk, you’ll have to play approaching the game as a “look at the bigger picture” style. As a consequence, decision making is your job. And you’ll have to make some very complicated ones. Without specifying too much (but you can take a look at the two images above), the point is, often times resource gathering and optimisation will conflict with human lives. Are you willing to make the call and sacrifice a bunch for the welfare of many more? I’m really curious to see this at work, when I’ll play Frostpunk in October 11.

Human touch

 leaderSomething that I must highlight in Frostpunk, is the game’s ability to makes us feel the importance of humans. But also, the significance the population as a whole plays in a society that is living in an extreme context. This leads you, the player, to confront yourself with morality. Child labor is a big one. In order to survive, would you sacrifice children for the interest of your society?

frostpunk child laborDarn, having to deal with such things makes me wanna play asap! Not because this is a cool topic, but because it’s a very complex one. Such a decision would deprive your kids from being kids, but that might lead your citizens to death. What would you do?…

11 Bit Studios created a compelling videogame, one that I’m really looking forward to explore. If you’re interested in other videogames from the same developer, they’re known for titles such as “This Little War of Mine – Little Ones”, “Moonlighter” and more recently “Children of Morta”.

For now, let’s just wait for October to play Frostpunk from our sofas.

frost punk screenshot

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Now it’s your turn, cold lover! Let us know your thoughts about Frostpunk console edition. Have you played it on PC before? What 3 tips do you have for newbies on console? We would love to hear from you and launch a discussion thread right here, in the comments section.

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