Diablo 3 rise necromancer sofa gamers

Diablo 3 Rise of the Necromancer

“The armies of the dead are yours to command”

Diablo 3 Necromancer class pack is arriving soon!
Since things are in motion for a while now, and a few teasers already out there, it’s only natural that Blizzard finally advances with a release date.

diablo 3 rise necromancer class sofa gamers

Save the date

June 27 is the day! The 2.6.0 patch will be released and will bring a ton of new adventures for us all. Rise of the Necromancer pack will feature the (re)introduction of one of the most iconic characters from Diablo 2, definitely a fan favorite. From what I can remember, the Necromancer was the character that I used to progress the most in Diablo 2 (I used to play it in a MacPro, beautiful piece of machinery).

diablo 3 rise necromancer class sofa gamers

“There is no escaping me”

Actually, there is. This is probably the only negative note hanging out in the air, as I read about it a few times in discussion threads.

14,99$ is a price many won’t be willing to pay for a single character, even if the Rise of the Necromancer pack comes with a bunch of “additional exclusive digital items”. When Blizzard announced the release of a new patch that is for free, that allows players to explore new locations, slash plenty of demons along the way and claim considerable amounts of loot, why the heck should people pay for a single character pack?

Well, my guess is that hard work requires a contribution. After putting so much effort into developing Diablo 3, is only natural that Blizzard asks for a bit of your understanding, which translates into a few bucks. Be a little compassionate here, see it from their point of view, it’s only reasonable.

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Now it’s your turn nephalem! Let us know your thoughts about the Necromancer pack and how excited you are about it, we would love to hear from you and launch a discussion thread right here, in the comments section.

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