Assassin's Creed Origins sofa gamers

Assassin’s Creed Origins

Assassin’s Creed Origins, taking us where it all started

assassins creed origins egypt pyramids sofa gamersEgypt. Assassin’s Creed Origins had to be Egypt!

I’m glad for that, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that something funny happened when the first rumors of the new Assassin’s Creed came out. Let me explain better.

A year ago, I had a moment of inspiration that I didn’t wanna let pass, an idea for a video game (which gamer didn’t have one of those, right?). I started to scribble things on my notebook: writing the general idea of the story and main character, as well as some specs. And of course, the location. Where will it all start? Where was the desert where my character woke up from a sudden amnesia after time traveling? You probably guessed where I imagined my story happening. Yep, Egypt… go figure…

As I don’t work in the video games industry, it was great to see something in the same location as my game idea come to life. Honestly, I couldn’t be happier that it revealed itself in the form of Assassin’s Creed Origins. It’s a reference, an AAA game with tons of fans around the globe. I still might do something with my idea… oh wait, I can’t anymore! They already used Egypt… bummer!

One of the longest franchises in gaming history

assassins creed history sofa gamers
I remember very well when the first Assassin’s Creed was released, back in 2007. Not having a PS3 at the time (just good old PS2), only made me crave for it even more. I had to wait many years until I could finally taste how AC felt like.

When I got my PS4 in 2014, that was one of the first games I bought. “Unity” was the latest franchise at the time, and the possibility to play it during the French Revolution period was tempting enough. Besides all the criticism, I loved it! I could finally savor on Assassins Creed.
Then one day, I bought the digital version of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. Man, can someone ask for more? Visually stunning, the Caribbean islands, playing as a pirate, sailing around, swimming in that Ocean… it was too good to be true! Best episode in the franchise so far.

Time to prove yourself, Assassin!

assassins creed origins bayek senu sofa gamersNow the question is, will “Origins” beat all its predecessors? It certainly has all the conditions to do so. We live in an amazing technological period and the quality of video games has dramatically increased. And we are talking Ubisoft here, a true Behemoth!

So let’s dive into some of the things that caught my attention during E3 2017. Assassin’s Creed Origins happens in one of the best periods in human history for game developers to explore: ancient Egypt. We’ll be immersed in Egyptian pharaonic culture and all its might, but it seems that Romans will be joining the party; a lot of diversity and mixed fighting skills is what I’m hoping for.

assassins creed origins fighting romans sofa gamersNew features will be added too, such as being an Eagle named Senu (Bayek’s eyes) to explore and discover potential perils. This will give us tremendous advantage towards our enemies and will definitely increase our success rate for mission accomplishment. Somehow I’m waiting for the scale to be balanced, meaning, things won’t be as easy as we might think. Nonetheless, playing from a higher point of view means advantage, and it’s certain that Bayek will use it in his favor.

Here’s some gameplay footage where you can enjoy the splendor of Egypt.

One step back, two steps forward
Ubisoft did great in taking a break from its usual releasing schedule of AC. This gave the studio enough time to properly develop Origins. That was the whole point, according to Ubisoft. At least this gives fans of the franchise more certainty that they are putting a lot of hard work and effort, to launch the best title ever. That can only be good news.
We are living a moment in gaming history where 4K is taking over. That is pushing game developers to bring even more powerful graphics, and with it, better performance demand. But the hardware has to step up. Fortunately, Sony & Microsoft are making serious efforts with their machines. I haven’t tested the PS Pro or the latest Xbox X, but I’ve seen plenty of streaming footage from gamers and Sony seems to be delivering.

Wrapping this up

assassins creed origins egypt senu sofa gamersThere’s still much to be known about “Origins”. One thing seems certain though, there will be more attention towards quality than quantity. You’ll be able to explore Memphis and Alexandria by foot, horse, camel-back ride or boat. Both cities will have about twice the size of Black Flag’s Havana, which is not that big. But according to Ubisoft, the focus will mainly be in the content. This will allow players to feel and experience the cities in more depth, with plenty of quests to explore these lively places.

assassins creed alexandria sofa gamersAs for pre-ordering goes, you can choose between 6 available options at the Ubisoft store. The most impressive one is the Dawn of the Creed – Legendary Edition, going for nothing less than 799$! As any collectors edition, it’s sold out! They’re also doing something cool, giving 20% discount to the players in possession of 100 Ubisoft Club units. For that, you only need to be an Ubisoft fan since a while.

Now it´s your turn Assassin! Let us know your thoughts about this journey to the origins of Assassin’s Creed, and if you’re ready like I do, to play the next Beta. We would love to hear from you and launch a discussion thread right here, in the comments section.

Whenever you wanna catch up and enjoy some live streaming together, feel free to join me on Sofa Gamers Youtube Gaming Channel. See you guys there!

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