Diablo 3 new zone: The Shrouded Moors and Beyond

The never ending world of Diablo 3

With the announced release date of the Necromancer class earlier this week, Blizzard threw away another treat for the Diablo fans, a new zone: The Shrouded Moors and Beyond. I’m so glad that Diablo 3 is still expanding, very few developers offer such dedication to a game and its fans, like Blizzard does, kudos to them!

Keep slaying, nephalem

Diablo 3 Gameplay The Shrouded Moors & Beyond_sofa gamersWith patch 2.6.0 coming soon (my guess is that it will be released on June 27, along with the Rise of the Necromancer pack) for PS4, Xbox One and PC players, we can only expect plenty of monsters to slay, territories to explore and bounties to claim. And I dare say, it will all become more appealing if I have a Necromancer in my hands!

Diablo 3 Gameplay The Shrouded Moors & Beyond sofa gamers   Diablo 3 Gameplay 1 The Shrouded Moors & Beyond_sofa gamersDiablo 3 Gameplay The Shrouded Moors & Beyond sofa gamers   Diablo 3 Gameplay The Shrouded Moors & Beyond sofa gamers
Here´s how Blizzard puts it:

Fetid swamps stretch beyond your vision, obscured by a dense fog that commands malevolent intent. Ancient structures long since abandoned are scattered across the sunken mire, and the absence of human activity might have something to do with an ongoing eerie sense of being watched. Still, despite the sense that something unnatural looms in the distance, the notion that treasure and glory may await tempts even the most cautious being.

Welcome to the Shrouded Moors.

Early Concept Art

Diablo 3 The Shrouded Moors & Beyond early concept art sofa gamersDiablo 3 The Shrouded Moors & Beyond early concept art sofa gamersDiablo´s art has always been impressive. As a fan of the series since long, I´m always welcome for the latest concept art and inspirations for Sanctuary. As any big place that is constantly growing, Diablo´s 3 living world never ceases to surprise me, making me wanna go back and play a few more hours (or days, when I really get hooked up). In addition, there is a brand new class coming in, so… how can I stay idle?

The full story (is this a Werewolf?)

Diablo 3 The Shrouded Moors and Beyond new zone sofa gamersI shared a few breadcrumbs and my excitement with you regarding the new 2.6.0 patch, that will allow us gamers to enjoy and dive into the latest zone of Diablo 3, The Shrouded Moors and Beyond. But if you want to learn even more about what´s going on, head over to Battle.net for more info.

Finally, I´m hoping to bump into a few surprises along the way “as beasts most foul and vicious have become its primary inhabitants”. Hopefully, this Werewolf right here is just a taste of it!

Now it´s your turn nephalem! Let us know your thoughts about the gameplay and how excited you are about it, we would love to hear from you and launch a discussion thread right here, in the comments section.

For more games to play from your sofa, make sure to visit SofaGamers.com

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