Control launches August 27
Hello my friends, Beximus here!
Have you heard about Control? It’s a videogame developed by Remedy Entertainment and is all set to launch in August 27. Wanna learn more about it? Cool, let’s dive in.
Do you have Control?
Control is the story of Jesse Faden. Probably this name will tell you as much as it tells me: absolutely nothing. She’s the main character of this videogame and has recently become the Director of a secret agency (no, it’s not S.H.I.E.L.D.), fighting to regain control of its installations.
But what the heck happened? Well, it looks like someone or something out of this world invaded the place. From hereon, many questions arise… first, what are these aliens doing here? Second, why invading a secret facility and not an entire city or the whole planet? Something’s at work here and it looks like we’re about to learn all about it when playing Control.
From the devs of Alan Wake and Quantum Break
If you’ve played these two videogames in the past, you must be familiar with Remedy Entertainment’s style (the colour palette in this image clearly reminds me of those titles). I recently started playing Quantum Break and even if it was just for some brief moments I can tell that it is a beautiful, intriguing and “makes me wanna play more” kind of game.
About Alan Wake I can’t tell much yet, only that it has a big reference right at the start of Quantum Break and that some gamer peeps that have great taste in games told me to play it asap!
Alan Wake links with Quantum Break (QB is also a tv series besides being a videogame). The least I could think about when it comes to Control is, will it also connect with the two previous titles? What do you think? Bets are open!
You’ll have superpowers
Well, sort of… it’s telekinesis, but that can be consider superpower, right? Or just human augmentation/enhancement? Whatever the case, you’ll be able to control objects around you: lift them, throw them, maybe even transform them. Therefore, I’m really curious to test these powers while playing, to see how much control we will really have as players.
It would be super interesting to bend time and/or space in different ways, allowing us to control the environment to our favour. But with the threat we’ll bet facing in these secret agency installations, devs decided that you need a gun. Just as a precaution, perhaps…
I wonder if with such powers, a weapon like that would be needed… in any case, it’s probably better to follow Han Solo’s advice:
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
I guess Han knows about this stuff, so kinetic powers or no, keep that special weapon at hand just in case. From the above image you can also tell that this is no ordinary pistol. It seems to follow your mental powers. At least that’s my theory. How cool would it be to have just one weapon the whole game, upgrade it as you progress and thQuantumen make it tailored to follow your taste and in-game needs? I would love that, instead of the traditional “pick up weapons dropped by enemies or found in boxes and closets”.
Fun fact
Jesse Faden, the main protagonist, reminds me a lot of a girl that works in the videogame world. Her name’s Hollie Bennett and if you wanna check for yourself what I’m saying, just check her instagram out. For me she is sooooooo similar, I wonder if she participated in the videogame or if the devs got inspiration from her. Anyway, it’s just a funny coincidence.
As a bonus and to save you some time in case you haven’t watched any trailer or gameplay, I’ll share with you the official gameplay trailer. Hope you enjoy it!
Some Pre-Order bonuses
Quickly check what can you get if you pre-order Control for consoles.

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Now it’s your turn, reality bender! Let us know your thoughts about Control. What are your theories about this alien invasion? We would love to hear from you and launch a discussion thread right here, in the comments section.
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